Heart Disease and Fish

Eating fish can be good for the heart and even for the brain, so it’s probably no surprise that pelagic products can lead to a longer life.

Omega-3 fatty acids have long been credited with protecting the heart and reducing risk of heart attack and stroke, but studies on the benefits of supplementing with fish oils have had conflicting results. So researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health and the University of Washington decided to explore whether fish oil’s benefits for the heart translated into longer life spans.

The researchers combed through 16 years of data on 2,700 healthy adults ages 65 and up who were not taking fish-oil supplements and participated in the long-term Cardiovascular Health Study from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Throughout the 16 years, the participants had physical exams, took diagnostic tests, submitted blood samples and answered questionnaires about their health, lifestyle and medical history.

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